Gruden Finally Speaks Up


Since his firing almost two weeks ago, Jon Gruden has incurred some shi*t talking from a few former players, most notably Michael Clayton, Simeon Rice and Jeff Garcia.  Two of those players should retire and go away, and if one continues to have hands made out of KY Jelly, he’ll be joining Carmella and Simeon as unemployed football players.  

Some of the comments where right to the point (Simeon Rice) and some of them were pussy-footed (surprisingly Jeff Garcia, who would have though), but regardless, the point was made.  Some of Gruden’s former players do not like his coaching style.  He is an in  your face, hold you accountable type of coach, and some of today’s prima donna’s can’t handle criticism.  

At last, my man Gruden finally had a few things to say.

On coaching again:

"“Chucky will be back and hopefully my teeth will be as sharp as ever…(whether) it’s the NFL, college, high school or, maybe, I’ll just be the best damn flag football coach in the history of Florida. I’m now head of the FFCA — Fired Florida Coaches Association.”"

On taking some shots from his former players:

"“I’m not the first coach to take potshots. Hey, some people were taking potshots at Tony Dungy when I got here,” said Gruden. “Jeff Garcia, Michael Clayton, I wish those guys the best. I hope Raheem gets this thing going again.”"

Reaction to his firing:

"“It was rough the way it ended, losing three or four games,” Gruden said. “This was the first time in my life being on the front line of the firing squad after 11 years. I’ve just taken a couple days to unwind with my family. A lot of people have called, being very supportive. Some people have taken shots and I understand that not everyone likes or agrees with what I do as a coach.”"

On his accomplishments in Tampa:

"“We won a Super Bowl,” he said. “I got a game ball for winning more games than any Bucs coach in history. I got a game ball for my 100th win [including playoff wins]. There are only six teams [actually seven] in the NFL that had back-to-back winning seasons the past two years and the Bucs were one of them. Again, it was tough the way it ended but we did some good things and I know some people who think we overachieved.”"

What he left the Bucs with:

"“The reality is we came in with a bad salary cap situation and we left with some $50 million under the cap, so it’s not like we went out and spent a lot of money on players.”"

On the possibility of coaching college football with his reputation of being unable to work with young QB’s:

"“I really only had one young guy to work with in Chris Simms,” said Gruden. “I’d love a shot to coach some young college guys. Look, you know me. I’m an addict. I love to coach.”"

On potential job opportunities:

"Whatever I do, I’m going to show respect for the game. I’m going to use proper etiquette. Whatever I choose to do, I expect people to be demanding. Anything less would be unacceptable.”"