Faine Not Optimistic About CBA

Jeff Faine and the NFLPA aren't hopeful this CBA gets done soon.
Jeff Faine and the NFLPA aren't hopeful this CBA gets done soon. /
Jeff Faine is the Buccaneers' NFLPA Player Rep.
Jeff Faine is the Buccaneers' NFLPA Player Rep. /

It’s not exactly a secret that there is a black cloud currently looming over the NFL in the former of a potential work stoppage. The player’s union has digressed to calling one another names over twitter, while there seems to be little willingness to compromise on the part of the owners. The Bucs NFLPA rep is center Jeff Faine, a former Notre Damer and a bright all around guy. Jeff didn’t bother to sugarcoat anything when asked about the progress of the negotiations the other night.

"“Right now, it’s not looking good unfortunately. Hopefully, the closer it gets, hopefully it’ll start getting a little better. It’s one of those things that hopefully we can figure it out, because the fans deserve good football. We really want to keep playing.”“No one is budging,” Faine said. “We’re not one to give up what we’ve already negotiated. And they’re  not real willing to change.”"

That’s not exactly promising. I’m optimistic that none of the people involved are idiots. The NFL may think it’s above reproach but look at the fallout from the work stoppages experienced by the NHL and the Major Leagues in the last two decades. Baseball only beginning to recover when it was rocked by the PED scandals of the early oughts and the NHL is just beginning to get back on its feet (skates).

I can’t imagine that the powers-that-be on both sides would let things come to the point of an actual work stoppage. I can see a few symbolic moves being made on both sides, but by August 1st I see the NFL hammering out a new CBA.

Of course there are a number of ways that you can get involved too. You can threaten to pull support in the event of a work stoppage or engage in any number of grass roots letter-writing and petition-signing efforts. You could also write your congressman.

I have a policy on Pewter Plank that we (me, and the rest of the staff) never wax political. It’s just not the place, but I’ll teeter the line for a moment to make a quick point. Chances are between now and April congress isn’t going to do a darn thing. They’re going to argue about repealing healthcare, which regardless of your feelings on that piece of legislation, amounts to a huge waste of time. Not because of the validity of the debate but because the numbers aren’t there to repeal it so it’s all a big dog and pony show.

Wouldn’t it be nice if they could take a week of their “very important” time to help mediate this labor dispute? Some people may feel like that’s beneath the scope of congress, but is it? They have interceded in labor disputes before, so it’s not without precedent. And a lot of these stadiums were built with public funding and employ hundreds, sometimes even thousands of taxpayers, constituents, that will be affected by a work stoppage.

If enough people call or write their congressman (or woman) and annoy them about the NFL Labor Situation, it will be brought up. You’d be surprised how little it takes to get someone’s attention, especially when you leverage votes. Imagine a letter-writing campaign from fans of the Bucs, Jags and Dolphins to both Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, in addition to the representatives from the three cities. Just a thought, but as things get gloomier and it looks less and less like a new CBA will happen, I’m willing to try it.