Now we move to Atlanta, where the Falcons are going to run a similar play to the one the Titans run on the previous page. Devonta Freeman is lined up straight behind Matt Ryan. Our subject, Kwon Alexander is in the circle. The play is going to Alexander’s right, again to the “B” gap. Freeman will bounce it to the outside. Let’s watch how Alexander plays it this time.

Alexander has his sights on Freeman in the gap. Freeman wants none of it, and bounces his run to the outside. If Kwon takes a bad angle, Freeman might get a head of steam and make it to the corner for a big game. But, if he can move laterally along the line of scrimmage, he can help string the run out, and hold the back to a modest gain at best.

This time, Alexander has correctly tracked Freeman by moving laterally along the line of scrimmage. This strings the play out, sending Freeman right into Alexander’s teammates. The result is a two yard game.

So, although Alexander didn’t get credited with a tackle here, is fundamentally sound play kept Freeman from picking up big yardage.
His ability to read the offense and make a play is already better. Turn the page, and we will see how it doesn’t hurt to have some athletic ability either.
Next: vs. Falcons: Play Two