4. Ali Marpet
The quarterback may get all of the accolades, but the offensive line is the engine that makes the offense go. No matter what Jameis Winston does, it won’t matter if the offensive line isn’t playing well. On the other hand, the line playing well will keep the team in the game when the rest of the offense isn’t playing so well.
The offensive line wasn’t great in 2016. Football Outsiders ranked the Bucs offensive line 21st overall and 16th in pass protection. That has to change. Part of the reason that the running game was basically non-existent was that there were no holes to run through. Jameis Winston will much more easily take that next step if he has clean pockets to throw from. Development of the offensive line is key.
Ali Marpet will be someone to watch. For anyone who doesn’t know, Marpet is making the transition to center. He not only has to learn the footwork associated with the position, he also has to make the calls for the offensive line. Marpet have an understanding of the offense that is similar to that of the quarterback to play center. How will the line come together around him? Watch early in the game while the first string is in there.