With preseason game number two in the books with a victory by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers over the Jacksonville Jaguars by a final of 12-8, let’s take look at some quick impressions from the game.
With the start of preseason week two, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers came out and played a very solid first half against the Jacksonville Jaguars, who look like they are still trying to decide which quarterback is best for their team (glad the Bucs don’t have that issue). The Jags clearly have a long way to go, while the Bucs seem primed to make run at the playoffs.
Even though we all want our favorite team to win every single game pretty much everyone knows that they whole point of preseason games is not the score at the end, but evaluating the young players and making sure the starters are understanding the coaches’ schemes. Not suffering major injuries is another goal of these games, of course. That’s the obvious goal.
After each of these games, we can take stock and see where are team is in their progression. Are they almost ready to do regular season battle? Where do they still need to get better?
Let’s take a look at some quick impressions or notes that were revealed during the Bucs second preseason game against the Jaguars.