Now, back to decisions
Returning to the “decisions” subject at the top of this article: Again, if this rumor is true, and Winston is signed to a long-term deal, it’s very hard to see this as anything but another bad decision in a long line of them.
Tagging Jameis for next season, and drafting a strong quarterback early, along with some offensive line help to protect our signal caller, and open holes for Jones. Seems to be the way to go, and would be much more acceptable to anti-Winston fans.
Even a good portion of his supporters would probably be okay with it, thereby lessening the uproar substantially, and the financial toll it might bring about. Opening up the position to competition which it has lacked.
I don’t know where the situation would leave the team for 2021. I do know that allowing Jameis to be the only choice to fix the problem hasn’t, and probably won’t work out. At best it seams the powers that be, are building up the defense for two reasons: One, because you need a strong defense to be successful. Two, to compensate for the interceptions that Winston is constantly throwing.
In closing, none of us knows exactly what One Buc is going to do about this situation. It’s not likely that they will draft a quarterback early if Jameis gets a long-term deal. Then again, who knows for sure what they will do; after all, it’s our beloved team were talking about here.
Decisions, Decisions, go Bucs!