How does the Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston divide fans support in Tampa Bay so divisively? Because he plays a two-faced brand of football.
I’ve given the above question much thought. I’ve read all the arguments from both sides on Buccaneers social groups regarding Jameis Winston; which side is right? The conclusion that I have come to isn’t going to be much liked by the pro Winston side, but bare with me for a few moments; it’s the only one that makes sense and can arguably be the most honest, and real answer that’s been offered up.
This does not take into account those that just don’t like Jameis Winston due to his personal past. I’m dealing with football as it is played on the field only. Please take note that this isn’t meant to down either side, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion; this is just mine after much study on the reasons each side gives over and over.
The specific arguments made by each side as to the reasons they believe the way that they do, if you pay close attention to much of what is written, you start to see patterns develop. All I am doing is taking note of the common threads that make up the support, and the lack of, on each side; what follows is my understanding, and take on what I see.
A very large number of Winston’s supporters are more easily impressed by his big numbers, his rankings, his team and NFL records. That’s easy to understand, nobody loves rankings, records etc more than American Football Fans. Those successes tend to put blinders on his supporters. It is so very rare that any player at any position can have so many positive accomplishments, as well as such a negative downside all wrapped into one player.