Antonio Brown has made a lot of questionable comments over the past day, and it was only a matter of time before someone called him out about what he said about Tom Brady.
Antonio Brown is burning bridges as fast as he can on his exit tour from the Buccaneers. Even Tom Brady can’t escape the criticism, which is strange considering what Brady did for Brown to get this opportunity.
Of all the people in the league to go after, Brown choosing Brady is strange. There aren’t a lot of players that would go out on a limb for someone with AB’s history, and it seemed like there was a genuine connection between the two before today.
Now, Brown probably can’t count on Brady coming to his rescue for the third time as he looks for a return to the NFL. There are some things that you can’t take back, and Brown has burned a bridge forever with multiple people.
As Brown’s quotes have spread throughout social media, it was only a matter of time before someone called him out on it, and it didn’t take long before a Brady teammate pointed out how ludicrous Brown’s comments are.
— Chris Hogan (@ChrisHogan_15) January 8, 2022
Enter Chris Hogan, one of Tom Brady’s former teammates and a two-time Super Bowl champion. Hogan’s comment on Brown’s quote wasn’t long, but a single “Lol” shows us everything we need to know.
Not only is Hogan laughing at the notion that Tom Brady needs anyone, but he is also reminding the world about the fact that Brady made Hogan a consistent receiver in New England. This is not to say that Hogan wasn’t able to play anywhere else, but Brady has a proven history of being able to make anyone great, and Brown’s belief that Brady “needed him” was flat-out funny.
This is likely not the last teammate to speak out in defense of Brady, and the next few days should be filled with plenty of support for GOAT. Brady isn’t known for rubbing his teammates in the wrong way, and accusations such as this can only come from a person that isn’t thinking clearly about what they are saying.
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