Buccaneers rumors: New uniforms could be on the horizon

Lee Roy Selmon, Buccanners,(Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)
Lee Roy Selmon, Buccanners,(Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are in desperate need of new uniforms after this current iteration in a long line of well-received jerseys.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have some of the worst jerseys in the entire NFL. The modern colors and designs simply fall flat when compared to any of their predecessors.

The Bucs’ creamsicle jersey is one of the most recognized throwback jerseys in the league today and many fans wonder what fall from grace occurred to lead them to where they are now.

The fanbase in Tampa Bay has been begging for several years to get a redesigned jersey or even a step back to a more well-liked design. The hope for fans has continued to grow as many signs are beginning to point towards the potential of a redesign.

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For starters, many fans that did their online shopping around the holidays likely noticed that there were often some very substantial sales specifically on the current jerseys that often reached 50-75% off. This could absolutely just be a holiday sale intended to sell more overall units, but the more inquisitive have to wonder if this was intentional.

If the Buccaneers are planning to unveil new uniforms this offseason then it would make perfect sense that they would want to get rid of all of their old stock of soon-to-be-outdated models.

The Bucs also aren’t the only team in the NFC South that are looking for a fresh new take on uniforms. On Tuesday it was revealed that the Atlanta Falcons were going to bring out new jerseys for the 2020 season.

While the Falcons jerseys may be new, the concept is anything but original. Atlanta is bringing out a retro look in 2020 and the Buccaneers could certainly be taking notes. The potential appeal of a throwback-inspired design is not lost on the Buccaneer front office.

The overall timing could not be more perfect for the Buccaneers to turn over a new leaf. These jerseys have found little success with the team both on and off the field. A new jersey could perfectly fit the new identity that this Bucs team is starting to form.

In addition to the popularity that often follows new uniforms, this offseason would be a fitting time for a new jersey to be unveiled because the Buccaneers, for the first time in nearly a decade, seem to be on the right track. The playoffs are a very real possibility in 2020 for Tampa Bay.

Now is as perfect a time as any for the jersey transition to finally take place. A new jersey and a playoff appearance would be a storybook beginning to the 2020’s for the Buccaneers who desperately want to leave the 2010’s in the past.
